Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Extra! Extra! Fortune Cookie Predicts LOVE!


I love them! I don't know what it is about fortune cookies but they just make me happy! Its so perfect, this little cookie that is shaped all cool with just enough sweetness and inside is a happy little suprise! Bing! Your future! hahaha or you know just a little note, depending on your beliefs. I think that fortune cookies are such a novelty, thats why I like them. They are good right after a wonderful american chinese dinner, or dipped in chocolate! YUM! They are happy sweet little suprises! Here are a few fortunes I have gotten this year so far, I keep them on the dash of my car...

Be prepared to modify your plan.
It'll be good for you!

Try something new and different.
You will like the results.
These are both really interesting. I guess I need to try something new. But! here is the real winner! I spent part of New Year's Eve with my best friend Sass' family. We were there when the New Year came in. That was a lot of fun, after we ran outside and banged on pots and pans, we went back in and Ellen and John had made chocolate dipped fortune cookies...Our fortune for the NEW YEAR!!!!
Here is what mine said:
Your love life will soon be
happy and harmonious.
WHAT!?! Yes! I thanked the ceiling and then read mine outloud. I was met with tears of joy from my second family. Cries of, "There is hope after all!" Rang out loud! :)
and apparently it is going to happen, 'soon', and at least within the year, because, hello! this is my fortune for the year!
I believe in a lot of things, but I really hope that this fortune cookie is right. Until it happens, it will be sitting on my dashboard along with the others, reminding me to "try something new and different", while I "modify my plan", and then my love life with be happy and harmonious!
Thanks Confucious!


Unknown said...

I knew it!!!!! That is awesome! I can't wait

Unknown said...

I love fortune cookies! A few months ago, I was eating Chinese with my family. I got a fortune that said something like 'A new relationship will blossom'. My family all laughed, because my lack of social life. Later I was joking with my sister that we could trade fortunes, then my 6 year old brother says 'No! Nicole NEEDS that one!'. Nice to know my 6 year old brother worries about my lack of social life. I hope your fortune comes true!

More Bacon said...

I have several fortune cookie memories with you in them...

Made me smile--looking forward to your year of ROMANCE!!

Brittney said...

I have a shirt that I think is so funny. It says "Fortune Cookie: A snack with an advice" Doesn't that sum it up nicely. Ha ha well congrats on your fortune! We need to do another movie night sometime!