Friday, January 29, 2010

Commercial Advertising-

These little humdingers have been tempting me. I am trying not to eat tons of sweet things, if any at all lately and I was watching a little tv the other night before rehearsal when a commercial came on for these brownies. I started to salivate. What was going on?! The advertising was working! I wanted that brownie and I wanted it NOW! I didn't give in however, even though I have a box in the pantry. SUCCESS! but then the next night a commercial came on for Milky Way bars. Um, how did they know that my FAVORITE candy bar is a Milky Way? and the way they advertised was so pleasant....and how ironic how I watch maybe a half an hour of tv every few days and two of my Sweetest Weaknesses were laid before me? I mean come on?! Really though it was quite funny. and i have yet to eat either of them and its been almost a week. Now that is Sweet!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Extra! Extra! Fortune Cookie Predicts LOVE!


I love them! I don't know what it is about fortune cookies but they just make me happy! Its so perfect, this little cookie that is shaped all cool with just enough sweetness and inside is a happy little suprise! Bing! Your future! hahaha or you know just a little note, depending on your beliefs. I think that fortune cookies are such a novelty, thats why I like them. They are good right after a wonderful american chinese dinner, or dipped in chocolate! YUM! They are happy sweet little suprises! Here are a few fortunes I have gotten this year so far, I keep them on the dash of my car...

Be prepared to modify your plan.
It'll be good for you!

Try something new and different.
You will like the results.
These are both really interesting. I guess I need to try something new. But! here is the real winner! I spent part of New Year's Eve with my best friend Sass' family. We were there when the New Year came in. That was a lot of fun, after we ran outside and banged on pots and pans, we went back in and Ellen and John had made chocolate dipped fortune cookies...Our fortune for the NEW YEAR!!!!
Here is what mine said:
Your love life will soon be
happy and harmonious.
WHAT!?! Yes! I thanked the ceiling and then read mine outloud. I was met with tears of joy from my second family. Cries of, "There is hope after all!" Rang out loud! :)
and apparently it is going to happen, 'soon', and at least within the year, because, hello! this is my fortune for the year!
I believe in a lot of things, but I really hope that this fortune cookie is right. Until it happens, it will be sitting on my dashboard along with the others, reminding me to "try something new and different", while I "modify my plan", and then my love life with be happy and harmonious!
Thanks Confucious!

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Apocalypse

I just found out here:

that they are discontinuing my favorite makeup brand MAX FACTOR! ARGH. I have used their pan stick foundation since I started using makeup 13 years ago! and I used to really love their 2000 calorie mascara and lots of other things too. I can live without them though, its the pan stick i don't know WHAT i am going to do without! It reminds me of this quote from P.S. I Love You,

Denise Hennessey: I hate cosmetics companies. They get you addicted to the perfect lipstick or nail polish and then 6 months later, they discontinue it. You have to buy your favorite colors like your storing up for the Apocalypse.

Well, I guess I better get online and start storing up for the Apocalypse!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Brain, where have you been?

Number of times I've left my lights on and my car died this month.......


nice. sometimes, well often i have to wonder where my brain has been.

Dreams and Wishes, Wishes and Dreams...

Wishin' and Hopin' and Thinkin' and Prayin' and Plannin' and Dreamin'....

I've been dreaming a lot lately. Hoping and planning for my future. Its not all fun and games and some of my plans aren't going to be easy coming, in fact they will all take a lot of work to accomplish them, as they should. I appreciate things a lot more when I have to work for them. I guess I've recently started thinking about who I am going to marry someday. Not for any reason other than I am finally feeling ready to move forward with my life. I got out of a very serious relationship about eight months ago and it didn't end well. Its taken me a while and it isn't over yet, but I am ready to start believing that there is someone out there for me. I think Michael Buble's Song, Haven't Met You Yet, is the perfect expression of how I feel right now. Ok Sir, where are you? I know I haven't met you yet, but I am excited to someday!

I'm Not Surprised
Not Everything Lasts
I've Broken My Heart So Many Times,
I Stop Keeping Track.
Talk Myself In
I Talk Myself Out
I Get All Worked Up
And Then I Let Myself Down.

I Tried So Very Hard Not To Loose It
I Came Up With A Million Excuses
I Thought I Thought Of Every Possibility

And I Know Someday That It'll All Turn Out
You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid That I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet

Mmmmm ....

I Might Have To Wait
I'll Never Give Up
I Guess It's Half Timing
And The Other Half's Luck
Wherever You Are
Whenever It's Right
You Come Out Of Nowhere And Into My Life

And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Baby Your Love Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Possibility

Mmmmm ......

And Somehow I Know That It Will All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet

They Say All's Fair
And In Love And War
But I Won't Need To Fight It
We'll Get It Right
And We'll Be United

And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Being In Your Life Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Single Possibility

Mmmm .....

And Someday I Know It'll All Turn Out
And I'll Work To Work It Out
Promise You Kid I'll Give More Than I Get
Than I Get Than I Get Than I Get

Oh You Know It'll All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid To Give So Much More Than I Get
Yeah I Just Haven't Met You Yet

I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Oh Promise You Kid
To Give So Much More Than I Get

I Said Love Love Love Love Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet

Hmmm....i wonder what he will be like.

Isn't it great?! This verse especially strikes me as the stage I am in right now...

I Might Have To Wait
I'll Never Give Up
I Guess It's Half Timing
And The Other Half's Luck
Wherever You Are
Whenever It's Right
You Come Out Of Nowhere And Into My Life

and i am the lucky one right? So, I just need to get the timing right! Wish me Luck! and go and listen to the song, its so much better sung!

Love, someone's future wife

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Hippie friend Rachel Flower!

This is Rachel. I just lover her guts. She and I were roommates with Nicole last year and what a year that was! I learned a lot from this girl. She has such a happy positive attitude all of the time. She is really good at smiling, offering me tea, leaving encouraging love notes on my pillow and purrrrrring. :) I just wanted to say that I saw her and Tim the other day on campus. Random chance meeting, but it totally made my day. We talked for a little while and exchanged stories. She told me about the campus cats that live in the sculpture garden behind the MOA. Her and Tim had been watching them. She just enjoys life. She has slept in a park before too. I call her my hippie roommate because she is all about love and living and the beatles, her and Nicole LOVE the beatles, and records and tie dye. Seriously. The best part about this run in though is that I smiled so much my CHEEKS hurt! They were going into spasms! I guess I haven't smiled a lot I am grateful for a friend who is so wonderful she makes my cheeks hurt. Thanks Rach! Love ya!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Roommate Bonding:

SOOooo.... this is what i spent my sunday evening doing. :) My roommates and i decided to do roommate pictures, glamor style! i bought this 11x13 inch frame on sale at target during the holidays and we needed to fill it, so it is a choice between the one on top or this one:
i will blow them both up and when i get them on the wall maybe i will take a picture and let you know how it all turned out. overall the experience was fun! its always nice to get all dressed up and girly....and we all know that doesn't happen for me too often :). it was fun to bond with my roommates and do hair and makeup and then have jacob and randy take our pictures. life is all about making memories. and these were some pretty memorable ones! Ciao!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I found this today on which is amazing I highly recommend you go and check it out. This is inspiring to me though. It is GORGEOUS. I want to make one. Apparently there is a PDF of how to make it but it wont load for me which makes me pretty sad, i will find a way though! I want them to adorn my house, my wedding someday and bring inspiration daily. LOVE IT! or I could buy them on esty, except it wouldn't be as cool as making one just wouldn't quench this inner fire this light has started within me. What inspires you? What lights your fire? What would you like to create?