Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Smooth Operator!

I've decided that I am going to have a feature on my blog. It is going to be called, "Smooth Operator". I work as a phone operator and we get all kinds of strange and unusual yet hilarious phone calls and I thought I would post a few of them and my thoughts about it. This should be something to look forward to...I think it is something that keeps me coming to work.
Disclaimer: You might not think these stories are as funny as i do. You might have to be an operator to fully appreciate them as well....
Caller: um yes can i have the number for the tanner building, but not the undergraduate business part. i don't know what i want but i want you to tell me what is there.
Me: ok, do you want the master of business admins. prog. blah blah blah
Caller: um, no-Try Again...
Me: (feeling really awkward now, because i don't know if she is playing a game and thinks it is funny or is just a little...um, weird) Ok, do you want me to transfer you to the main office of the Marriot School?
Caller: um, NO-i am talking about the tanner building...(silence, because she thinks that i am ignorant...)
Me: ok, well the tanner building IS the business building and houses the Marriot School.
Caller: oh! I guess my brain isn't working! I meant the Taylor building...
Me: alright
Caller: Tell me what is in that building...
Me:alright, well family services is in that building...
Caller: Nope, Try Again!
Me: well, what are you looking for exactly...
Caller: well my uncle works there, i don't remember what he does or even if he is there still, (like she had an epiphany!) oh! maybe you could connect me to him?
Me: Sure, what is his name (she gives me his name and i connect...)

my favorite part about it was her, "Nope, Try Again!"
sigh...it was a little bizarre

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